Monday 26 December 2011


Shortly after BOOKER T. WASHINGTON became head of the Tuskegee institute in Alabama, he was walking past the house of a wealthy family, the woman of the house, assuming Washington was one of the yard workers her husband had hired, asked him if he would chop some wood for her, professor Washington smile, nodded, professor Washington smiled, nodded, took off his coat and chopped the wood. When he carried the armload of wood into the woman's kitchen, a servant girl recognized him and rushed to her mistress to tell her of his identity.
The next morning, the woman appeared in Washington's office. Apologizing profusely, she said repeatedly, i did not know it was you i put to work, Washington replied with generosity, it's entirely all right. Madam, i like to work and i'm delighted to do favour for my friends,

The woman was so taken with his manner and his willingness to forgive that she gave generous gifts to the institute, and persuaded many of her wealthy acquaintances to do likewise. In the end, washington raised as much money for the institute from this one act of chopping wood as he did from other fundraising event! Here was a man who is confident of himself and is not threatened by the opinion of others,
some of us think big, but are not willing to start small. John Mason says, " The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching. For you to be successful in life you must swollen with pride. Pride has destroyed so many destiny, pride has jeopardise many future.
A story is told of a man who was walking the streets of philadelphia searching for employment and finally happened to call on the office of a well-know businessman by the name of GIRARD. When he asked for a job, Mr. GIRARD personally responded, "yes, i can give you work, see that pile of bricks out there? Carry them to the other end of the yard and stack them up. "

By nightfall the man reported that the project was completed and he received his pay . He then asked if there would be more work the next day. GIRARD said, yes, come in tomorrow and carry those same bricks back to where you found them." The following morning the man arrived early and got busy, never saying a word.
Form more than a week, GIRARD instructed the worker to carry back and forth until it was evident to GIRARD that he could trust his new employee. He was then given a new and bigger responsibility. As far as GIRARD was concerned, if the man could be faithful in a transaction, which truly mattered.
If you know where you are going, you can always start from somewhere to get there. According to TAIMUD, Why God create man on the sixth day? To teach that if he is ever swollen with pride. It can be said: a flea came ahead of thee in creation.

Humility will open great doors for you If you make it a habit, to your success, Read more!




Upon the wreckage of thy yesterday design thy structure of tomorrow, lay strong corner stones of purpose and prepare great blocks of wisdom cut from past despair, shape mighty pillars of resolve to set deep in the tear-wet mortar of regret. Work on with patience. Though thy toil is slow yet day by day the edifice shall grow. Believe in God-in thine own self believe. All that thou hast hoped for thou shall achieve.

( Emphasis mine)

My great concern is not who you are, the colour of your skin, whether you are rich or poor, or how many times you have failed.
But whether you have the will to achieve the object of your desire. No one can help a person that does not want to help himself, if you are satisfied with the kind of cards that life has dealt with you, if you are content in your present existence, there is noting that i can do or say to aid you in converting whatever wishes you might have into reality. Under such circumstance there is little likelihood that such wishes would ever amount to any more than ideal wishes.

A will to succeed is a resolute determination. It is a burning desire to attain the object of your wishes. A burning desire, it is enthusiastic faith in the attainment of a golden object of your desires.
Hope for the achievement of anything must be backed by an unwavering faith in its attainment. It has been said that in order to attain anything you want out of life, set yourself goals and work steadfastly toward that goal and you will achieve that goal. This sound good but in practical applications it isn't quite labour everlastingly towards a goal but seem to accomplish nothing while others succeed with less than half the effort.

The story has been told of a prayer meeting held at a little country church once in the heart of a drought. The congregation had gathered to pray for rain. During the course of the meeting, the minister had caused to remark that not a single person brought an umbrella.

Setting goals without a will to succeed is like praying for rain while displaying your belief by not bringing umbrellas. If there is something that you want, prepare to receive it. Read more!